Home / Lifestyle / Prague for Children / Trips with Children | Holiday Accommodation for Families

Although Prague offers an inexhaustible number of indoor and outdoor activities for families and children, once in a while it is definitely worth it to leave the capital city behind and set off with children for trips outside of Prague to discover the beauty of various corners of the Czech Republic. For this purpose we have prepared this section where we present tips for trips with children outside of Prague and provide information about opportunities in the area of traveling with children that the Czech Republic offers. There are indeed many possibilities where to go for a trip in the Czech Republic with your children. Some hotels and guesthouses even prepare special holiday and weekend stays for families with children offering a program for children and parents alike. Now you will no longer have to wonder where to take your children for a trip, what new place to show them and new things to introduce to them. Here you will find in one place an abundance of tips and all you need to do is choose. We can only wish that your holiday coincides with nice weather and that you have a fun time!