Functionalism by definition is the idea that architects must design a building or structure based on what the purpose of that building will be, nothing more, no grand ornate detail, just clean lines. The three classic goals of architecture are utilitas, venustas, and firmitas, or utility, beauty, and firmness. The Functionalists believed that if the functional aspects of a building were fulfilled, then the natural architectural beauty would shine through. The phrase, form ever follows function, made famous by Louis Sullivan, emphasized that the function of a building, not the ornaments, was where the true beauty would be found (strange then, that the designs of Louis Sullivan were filled with intricate ornamentation). Le Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe further contemplated functionalism and Modern architecture; it was Le Corbusier who said a house is a machine for living in. Certain Functionalist projects flourished in the Czech Republic thanks to Czech Adolf Loos, architect of the Muller Villa, as well as Mies van der Rohe, architect of the famous Tugendhat Villa in Brno.