Rausch Classics - Nábytek Bažant
If you are interested in buying quality outdoor furniture, direct your attention to the luxury German brand Rausch Classics, whose products can be purchased in the e-shop run by the company Atelier Nábytek Bažant. If you have a house with a garden, a swimming pool or a terrace and like to spend time outdoors during the warmer months, it pays off to invest in quality garden furniture. The tradition of the outdoor furniture by Rausch Classics goes back to the 1930s. A key moment in the history of the company was the year 1958 when the first collection of garden furniture Cote d'Azur was introduced on the German market. Only a few years later a successful collection from rattan followed, which was an unknown material at the time. Rausch Classics offers garden and patio furniture including tables, cocktail tables, taborets and footstools, outdoor sofa sets, chairs, armchairs and other products. Rausch Classics luxury furniture is characterized by the highest quality and the most modern design. Rattan and wicker furniture from the Florida collection that invites you to relax is very popular. Besides the Rausch Classics brand Atelier Nábytek Bažant also presents other producers of quality interior and exterior furniture on its website and offers its clients comprehensive services in the area of interior design and landscaping. All furniture suppliers are chosen selectively and the unifying characteristics of all of the products sold at Nábytek Bažant include modern design, quality and longevity.
Atelier Nábytek Bažant, Pelechov 47, Železný Brod, +420 607 166 805, www.nabytekbazant.cz