Koruna Palace | Prague Shopping Passages
Koruna Palace | Art Nouveau in Prague

Koruna Passage

Located at the bottom of Wenceslas Square, is the Art Nouveau Koruna Palace. Notice the top of this interesting building; a golden crown of pearls sits perched atop of the gray structure, surrounded by massive muscular statues hauntingly acting as sentinel to the palace. The passages offer clothing boutiques such as Oilily, an ice cream stand, a Coloseum Pizzeria (a popular pizza chain in Prague), jewelry and watch stores, a cafe, Body Basics, a jewelry store, and Bontonland Megastore. Bontonland Megastore is the largest music store in Prague, modeled after Richard Branson and his famous Virgin Megastore. You could call Bontonland a much more intimate (small really), pricier version of the Virgin Megastore.

Václavské Náměstí 1, Praha 1, +420 224 219 526, www.koruna-palace.cz


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