Zaparkujte u letiště (Parking near the airport)
If you're planning to fly on a business trip or family vacation and you want to make sure that when you come back you find your car safe and undamaged, definitely look into the Zaparkujte u letiště parking services, located just 4 minutes from the Prague Airport. The professional level of services offered and reasonable parking prices will surely not disappoint you. The company’s parking prices at 300 CZK per day and 550 CZK per week are lower than the price for a taxi from the city center and back. The reception desk and free transport to and from the airport by reliable luxury cars are available for you non-stop. The friendly staff will take care of you and your luggage and will take you directly in front of your terminal building. Your vehicle will be parked in a perfectly secure, fenced and laser-guarded area monitored by a CCTV system and patrolled by a security agency. All cars parked in the parking area are fully insured. As a bonus, while you're on vacation or business trip, you will be offered to have your car checked in a fully equipped garage and you will be recommended what repair services your car needs. You can also have your car washed and its interior cleaned, so that it would be perfectly prepared when you come back from abroad!
Karlovarská 660/117, Praha 6, +420 722 200 400, +420 722 200 600, +420 235 310 124,