Darkshire Pandemonium

Darkshire Pandemonium

Enter the Darkshire Pandemonium which will take a place 10th March 2023 in the industrial venue on the unspecified location in center of Prague. Full line up will be announced in the upcoming weeks. I went out into the daylight, it was morning and the spring nature was slowly waking up to life. There was something strange about this day. The spectrum of colours my eyes perceive has changed noticeably compared to the previous days. The ambient noise faded and my ears picked up the surrounding sounds very sharply. My shadow was darker than usual today and it chased me on every step as if it wanted to catch me. I ran from the shadow until I found myself in front of a place that radiated incredible energy. I couldn't resist, the space began to draw me in. The shine of daylight quickly vanished along with my shadow, and my mind was drawn along with my physical shell into the depths of a place described by the generations before us. In a moment, a mass of moving bodies rising to immeasurable heights appeared in front of my eyes. Slowly I succumbed to the pressure of the acoustic waves, which brought me to a state of absolute weightlessness. As if the others were carrying me, I’ve been weltering in the waves, reaching the top of the chaos pyramid. At the top of it, a massive burst of energy passed through my body. The energy radiated from the hands of the most powerful, the one who dictated the movement of all others. The one that at this very moment had the power to transform and create an entire galaxy in my head. I stepped out into the daylight. It was morning and the spring nature was slowly waking up to life.
