Surprisingly there are plenty of shopping malls in the city of Prague and they are big shopping malls at that. After years of nothing but gray clothing under a horrible regime the capitalist society of Prague has taken control and shoppers needs are becoming increasingly important and more urgent than ever. This is a new culture of want. The majority of the shopping malls may have the same stores, but no worries, slowly, but surely, more posh shopping malls are happening. Prague is becoming more Western than ever and let us pray that means a better selection of stores in the future. Everywhere you look there are malls, some in new modern complexes and some in 200 year old renovated buildings. Prague also has many fascinating passages in Old Town and New Town that lead you to new mysterious sections you may never find again (especially in Old Town), as it is so winding and confusing. Many passages offer interesting unique boutiques, wine shops, places to gather, such as coffeehouses, and art shops, and make for an interesting adventure. It has been said by Egon Erwin Kisch that one can traverse whole districts of Prague without having to use the public streets for anything other than crossing. Many passages or arcades in Prague were created during the 20th century as part of a modernization effort to connect residential streets to shopping areas as Prague experienced rapid development in trade, culture, and architecture. Shopping Streets were changed into arcades or fancy promenades, which became the perfect places for entertainment, evident as you notice the movie theater and concert hall located in the Lucerna Passage. The passages in Old Town are rebuilt on medieval passage sites, which connect a dense portion of Old Town in a crisscross pattern.