Aulík Fišer Architects | Architectural Studio in Prague
Aulík Fišer Architects | Architects in Prague
Aulík Fišer Architects | Prague
Aulík Fišer Architects | Wooden house
Aulík Fišer Architects | Prague
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Aulík Fišer Architects | Logo

Aulík Fišer Architects

The Prague architectural studio AULÍK FIŠER ARCHITEKTI is more than happy to make your architectural dreams come true! AULÍK FIŠER ARCHITEKTI is active in a whole range of architectural activities from urban design and building reconstructions to interior design. The architectural studio will take care of complex services including site terrain preparation, cooperation during construction and everything that involves planning and engineering works. If you are therefore intending to finally create the home of your dreams and make it a reality do not hesitate to contact AULÍK FIŠER ARCHITEKTI. The architectural studio was originally founded under the name Studio A in 1992. Fifteen years later ing. arch. Jan Aulík was joined by the current company partner Jakub Fišer and the studio received its current name. AULÍK FIŠER ARCHITEKTI has received several awards including an award for a design apartment building and for the design of the BB Centrum office building.

Antala Staška 1859/34, Praha 4, +420 226 291 621,,


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