Prague Mustangs | American Football in Prague
Prague Mustangs
Prague Mustangs | American Football

Prague Mustangs

For a team founded in 2010 and primarily made up of rookies who discovered the world of American football in Prague, the Prague Mustangs American Football team has really taken the sport by storm! Always looking for more players, the Mustangs welcome all new players to try out – foreigners are welcome and all field calls are in English, so no Czech language is required. If you are looking for the perfect team to practice your football skills with, and perhaps make some new like-minded friends, the Mustangs are it – a friendly group of American football enthusiasts, both Czechs and foreigners, who play a great game and take it seriously enough to win, but who know how to keep it fun, just like the sport is supposed to be. This is a great team to keep an eye on in the coming seasons – Go Prague Mustangs!

Butovická 592/35, Praha 5, +420 731 633 606, 


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