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Locus Workspace

Locus Workspace is an English-language coworking space in Prague created to help freelancers, remote workers, digital nomads and other location-independent professionals work more effectively, professionally and enjoyable. Opened in 2010, it is the longest-running coworking space in the Czech Republic.

Locus has members from more than 20 countries, and about one-third of the participants are from the Czech Republic itself. That makes Locus ideal both for non-Czechs looking to connect quickly to local knowledge and culture and for Czechs who want to engage with an international community or just practice their English.

It's easy to get to know other members at diverse informal events that everyone is welcome to join. It includes weekly lunches and coffee breaks, monthly pub nights and game nights, productivity-enhancing group work sessions and workshops promoting professional development. The Locus Workspace boasts a strong community, making it a valuable destination for gaining more social connections. 


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