The Augustine Prague
Augustine Restaurant | Sundial Garden
The Augustine Prague | Logo
Augustine | Prague Fine Dining
Al Fresco Dining
The Augustine Prague
Augustine Restaurant | Sundial Garden
The Augustine Prague | Logo
Augustine | Prague Fine Dining
Al Fresco Dining

Augustine Restaurant and Garden

The gorgeous Augustine Restaurant and Garden is housed in a glass-covered courtyard that uniquely incorporates three listed and protected trees, in the monastery complex that is The Augustine Prague hotel. With its floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking a spacious terrace, the restaurant is a light, relaxing space in the heart of historic Prague. The winning combination of excellent service and calm ambiance creates a truly memorable dining experience. In summer, al fresco dining on the terrace and in the Sundial Garden adds another elegant element to this restaurant, while the unique Refectory Bar is a fantastic setting for dinner or a cocktail any time during the year. The menu at Augustine Restaurant represents modern Czech cuisine. The seasonal ingredients are carefully sourced from local suppliers, ensuring that the ingredients used are of the highest quality. Menus are often based on supplier’s recommendations or their current best offer of mushrooms, herbs, flowers, truffles, dairy products, fresh water fish, bio fruit and vegetables, game, etc. The restaurant is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner, seven days a week. Don't miss their seasonal dining concepts such as Sunday Bubble & Chill Brunch (with bottomless champagne or prosecco), Deer & Beer, Garden BBQ, and more.

Letenská 12/33, Praha 1, +420 266 112 282,
